XII RWIO – Conference Schedule
XII RWIO and RAUSP 70 years – Program
Keynote address – Economics of innovation: Contracts and incentives
Presenter: Paul Jensen (University of Melbourne)
Paul’s current research interests are innovation, science policy, and technology markets. Much of his research has a strong public policy focus, and has been published in leading international journals such as RAND Journal of Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, National Tax Journal, Oxford Economic Papers, Journal of Law & Economics, Strategic Management Journal, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, Health Economics, and Industrial and Corporate Change. In addition, he has undertaken commissioned research for IBM, the OECD, the European Commission, Asialink and the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet. For more information, please see www.paulhjensen.com
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
Faculty of Business and Economics Building, 111 Barry Street,
University of Melbourne
Presenter: Roberto Vassolo (Universidad Austral)
Professor of the academic area of Enterprise Policy at IAE, where he teaches Analysis of Business Situations and Strategic Formulation.
Ph.D. in Strategic Management of Purdue University, Master in Economics from Di Tella University and Bachelor of Economics by the Universidad Católica Argentina.
Fields of investigation include the Strategic Direction in high uncertainty environments, Strategic Alliances, and Adaptation of Business Routines.
He has been a Visiting Professor and / or Researcher at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, INCAE – Costa Rica and Panama, and Dom Cabral University-Brazil.
He has presented his research and is a member of the Academy of Management, the Strategic Management Society, and the IberoAmerican Academy of Management.
Some of his research has been published in Strategic Management Journal, at the Academy of Management Executive and in Management Research.
Centro de Innovación y Estratégia Latinoamérica
IAE Business School
Universidad Austral
Presenter: Luiz Mesquita (Arizona State University)
W. P. Carey Management and Entrepreneurship
Associate Professor of Management
Luiz F. Mesquita is an Associate Professor of Strategic Management at the W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, and has a Joint Appointment at Insper Institute of Education and Research, in São Paulo, Brazil.
He received his Ph.D. in Business Strategy, and a Masters Degree in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University.
His research examines inter-organizational coordination in contexts of cooperation and competition; his latest research endeavors look more closely at the institutional antecedents of multi party collective action. His research has appeared in leading outlets, such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, and Harvard Business Review.
Luis Mesquita teaches or has taught courses in business and corporate strategy, as well as global strategy and Entrepreneurship in Executive and Masters Programs in Argentina, Brazil, India, and the United States.
W. P. Carey School of Business, Department of Management. 85287, Tempe, AZ, U.S
Arizona State University
Presenter: Mário Schapiro (Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV)
Professor in Law School, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil
Postdoctoral at New York University. Doctor and master of laws´s degree in economic law, Law School of Universidade de São Paulo. Bachelor of Laws, Law School of Universidade de São Paulo. Full-time professor at the Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas — Direito SP. Mario was an undergraduate researcher of FAPESP, a fellow researcher in the Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (master’s degree) and a visiting scholar at Columbia Law School (doctor’s degree). His research agenda focuses on the areas of law and development, administrative law and political economy of development, with emphasis on institutional alternatives and public policy designs in the economic field. In the undergraduate program, he has taught administrative law and competition law courses. In the master’s program, Mario lectures in the law and development course.
Law School,
233 Rocha st, São Paulo, 01330-000
Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV)
Presenter: Donald Huisingh (Univ. of TN in Knoxville)
Dr. Huisingh was born in Spokane, Washington on March 13, 1937. He grew up in Washington, North Dakota and Minnesota. He was awarded his B.S. from the Univ. of Minnesota in 1961 in Science Specialization, Economics and Horticulture and his PhD. from the Univ. of Wisconsin in 1965 in Biochemistry and Plant Pathology. He taught and did research at North Carolina State University in Raleigh North Carolina for 23 years and then moved to Europe where he has taught at Erasmus University in The Netherlands and in Lund University, in Lund Sweden since 1987. He has been guest lecturer in more than 60 other universities and has worked on helping to implement Cleaner Production in more than 300 companies and organizations.
Presently he teaches part-time at the following institutions: the Univ. of TN in Knoxville, TN, Lund Univ. in Sweden, Erasmus Univ. in The Netherlands and at Shandong University in China.
Presenter: Leonardo Augusto de Vasconcelos Gomes (FEA-USP)
Leonardo Augusto de Vasconcelos Gomes received the undergraduate degree in production engineering from Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, with an exchange programat the Ecole SuperieureD’IngenieursEnEletrotechniqueEt Eletronique, Champs-sur-Marne, France.
His Ph.D.degree is in production engineering from the Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo (Poli-USP), São Paulo, Brazil, with a research stage at IfM-CambridgeUniversity, Cambridge, U.K.
He is a Lecturer with the Faculty of Economics, Management, and Accounting, FEA-USP. His research interests include innovation, technological entrepreneurship, strategic and technology planning, and technology roadvmapping
Professor at School of Economics, Business and Accounting at University of São Paulo (USP)