XIII RWIO – Conference Schedule

Schedule – Papers presentation



  • Claude Ménard – University of Paris (Pantheon-Sorbonne)
  • Gaetano Martino – University of Perugia
  • Annie Royer – Université Laval
  • Paula Schnaider – Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/SP)
  • Caetano C. R. Penna – SPRU/University of Sussex & Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IE/UFRJ)
  • Roberto Marx – POLI/USP
  • Michael Morley – Kemmy Business School – University of Limerick
  • Wilson Amorim – FEA/USP


  • Paulo F Azevedo – Insper
  • Hildo Meirelles Souza Filho – UFSCar
  • Adriana M. de Mello – FEA/USP
  • Sandro Cabral – Insper