May 21, 2018 Extended Abstract Submission Opening
September 10, 2018 Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
September 20, 2018 Notification of Review Committee Decisions
September 20, 2018 Registration Opening
October 01, 2018 Registration Deadline
October 01, 2018 Full paper submission
November 06, 2018 Reception
November 06 and 07, 2018 XIII RWIO


Instructions for Submissions 

Author Guidelines

Paper development sessions are targeted at junior faculty, PhD candidates, and advanced master students. The main objective of the workshop is to provide a supportive setting where participants can receive feedback on current research projects and network with scholars.

Papers may address the following topics:

  • Business and Corporate Strategy
  • Regulation and Public Policy
  • Public Management
  • History and Institutional Change
  • Economic Sociology
  • Law and Economics
  • Psychology and Cognition
  • Industrial Organization
  • Institutional Environment and Competition

Submission process

We invite only original research papers. Participation in the workshop will be limited and participants will be invited based on the quality of their submitted work. The submission should be in the form of a proposal. All texts must be written in English.

The proposal should not exceed 8 pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font) and should include charts, graphs, diagrams, references, etc. The proposal should also have a 125 word abstract.

Proposals must be submitted by September 10, 2018.

Blind Review Process

To preserve anonymity, author names should NOT be identified in the paper.

All proposals will be assessed through a double-blind peer review system prior to acceptance.

Final paper submission

Paper format 

– Paper size: A4;
– Letter: Times New Roman/ tamanho 12;
– Single space – one column;
– Justify alignment;
– Margins – top: 3 cm; bottom: 2 cm; left: 3 cm; right: 2 cm.
– Page numbering in right and bottom;
– Heading in capital letters and subheading in small letters;
– Format – PDF;
– Maximum of 16 pages, including text, illustrations and references.

– Endnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be identified in the end of the text by consecutive numbers,
– Reference style: APA or ABNT/NBR-6023


Suggested structure of the paper

– Introduction

– Research problem and objectives

– Theoretical approach

– Methodology

– Results analysis

– Conclusion

– References


Structured abstract (submission page)

– Title (máx. 190 characters)

– Keywords (máx. 3)

– Introduction (máx. 600 characters)

– Research problem and objectives (máx. 600 characters)

– Theoretical approach (máx. 600 characters)

– Methodology (máx. 600 characters)

– Results analysis (máx. 600 characters)

– Conclusion (máx. 600 characters)

– References (máx. 600 characters)


Presentation in the event

  • The workshop organizers will group a small number of papers that are similar in topic and/or methodology in parallel sessions.
  • One or more senior scholar familiar with the topic or method in question will chair the session.
  • Each presenter will have 20 min to make a brief presentation of his/her research. Then a discussion of 10 minutes will occur. We strongly recommend that presentations be structured around four questions:
    • What is the research question?
    • Why is this question important?
    • How did you develop your answer?
    • Based on your results, what conclusions can you draw?

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us: